Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This is my brother, Jason. ( I just realized how funny this looks with the baby pic and then the wedding photo. You might be a redneck if... you marry your sister. Not hardly. We don't live that far back in the mountains. I am proud to say that Mr Clean is of no relation to me. But anywho... I'll save close kin marriages for another post. I just don't have any other photos of him. He is never around. I am really actually surprised that he came to my wedding . I am even more surprised that he wore a tie and had his picture made.) The other picture is of us when he was about 9 mos old.
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I really can't believe that as much as I abused him when he was a kid that he has anything to do with me now. I still watch my back when he is around. He says all is forgiven, but I am not so sure. I used to pinch him and then threaten his life if he thought about telling Mom. But I wouldn't let anyone else pick on him. In fact, in the 6 th grade I got thrown off the school bus for 3 days because I come across two seats and punched this idiot in the head for calling him "fat" and making him cry. I was the only one allowed to abuse him.

He is a very funny guy. In fact, he is one of the funniest people I know. He can make a trip to the grocery store side splitting hillarious. Really he doesn't say much that isn't funny. He will even turn some terrible, tragic event into a funny story after the fact.

I worry about him though. He just turned 26 and he is still at home with my parents. I hope my parents live a long, healthy life, because when they die he IS NOT coming to live with us. He is way to messy. I think that the constant exposure to my mother for the last 26 yrs has taken its toll on him. Who knows if he will ever move out and be able to work his way back towards sanity. As long as she does everything for him, I seriously doubt he will even try.

But anyway.....Happy Birthday, Jason!!!!

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