Friday, March 03, 2006

A family pet

Well, it has taken me almost a full year to talk myself into it. But I am ready for a family pet. We are going to take it in baby steps. The Banimal has wanted a fish since I was pregnant with Pteradactyl boy. But I kept putting him off, because I knew how crazy life would be with a new baby in the family. But now Pteradactyl boy is almost a year old and I think we could handle the responsibility of a fish.

I have decided to get a Beta fish. I figure as low maintenance as they are surely we can keep the little sucker alive. And should tragedy befall our new pet, there are a whole bunch more that look just like him at Walmart for a couple of dollars. Maybe if this goes well I might buy one of the bigger tanks. But right now we will just see how it goes with the Beta.

This is so funny because in my former life....pre-Mr Clean and kids. I was a huge animal person. I had an 80 lb dog that lived in the house with me. I always had birds and dogs and cats. I had a horse for several years as well. But for the last five years I have been pet free and I really have enjoyed it. After having two kids so close together the thought of a dog and having to take care of it seems like alot of work. I figure I have a few more years before the dog thing comes up. WHew...

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