Saturday, March 25, 2006

Crazy daze

Man, things have been crazy here at home. Mr Clean is working alot which leaves me and the boys at home. By the time he gets home they are running for the door. He thinks that it is just that they miss him so much... well, it is in part, but I think they are just running away from me. Two cranky kids and a cranky moma doesn't equal happy days. The Banimal has started to cry when he dad leaves in the morning so that gets the day of to a wonderful start. It doesn't take him too long to calm down, but by then the baby is tired so he kicks in.

I am ready for summer. We need to get outside and air out. The kids and I are always in better moods when we go outside everyday. We had some great weather a couple of weeks ago, but yesterday it was snowing and today its just yucky and cold. Well, hopefully we won't have too much more winter to endure.

Next Wednesday we are loading up and going to see Carebears live. Won't that be so exciting. If I don't post for a few days you will know that all the small kids got together and started a rebellion and the mom's didn't make it out alive.

What is up with the Carebears making a comeback. They were popular when I was a kid. The cartoon came on Saturday mornings.... I think. I never was a big Carebear kind of girl. But now kids are crazy about them again. They don't even watch the show. I think you can by videos, but to the best of my knowledge, they don't come on tv. The Banimal has never seen them before. The tickets were cheap and a bunch of his little buddies were going so I figured "what the heck." I may live to regret that decision.

Well, that about sums up my very exciting life. Hopefully next time I post I will be in a better blogging frame of mind.
Oh, btw, check out the blinkies. I am so totally addicted to them. They are like cheesy bumper stickers for your blog. Cool, huh?

1 comment:

Pirate said...

kids are funny. when the boys were little they lived for my existance. as they entered the teenage years they only want their mother and my wallet.

But I have noticed the girls have stayed on my side from the beginning.