Sunday, November 27, 2005

Tom Cruise Rant.

I used to be huge Tom Cruise fan. I remember when I was a teenager how we used to watch all of his movies over and over and just salivate over him. We would do marathons where we would sit and stare at the tv for hours just watching Top Gun or Days of Thunder. He was the best.

But now I can't even stand the site of him. After the whole Brooke Sheilds debacle I just hate to even see his face on tv. I wouldn't watch one of his movies if you gave me a free ticket. Who does he think he is???? Maybe he is a little confused. I don't think he has ever recieved any degree in medicine to my knowledge. And further more unless he is a really convincing cross dresser he has never had any experience with being pregnant or any of the stuff that comes with it.

Well, now I read that he is giving poor little gullable Katie Holmes (or Kate as he calls her) regular check ups on his on personal sonagram machine. Hello!!!! You are not a doctor and you haven't even played one on tv. He has gone over the deep end.

I think maybe he should spend a little less time with his Scientology-nutty buddies at the center and rejoin the rest of us here on earth.


Cheryl said...

My personal opinion is that Mr. Cruise took a dive into the deep end years ago--he's just now going public about it. Scary...

thewriterslife said...

Cheryl said it all. I used to think that he was all that, but not anymore.

Crystal said...

I agree with you totally.....I think if you have never had a baby and had it ripped out of you (I had ceasarians) then you have no right to an opinion..........what will happen when Katie goes through post partum depression....look out folks.....he won't know what to do!