Friday, November 04, 2005

Hiding... NO MORE

I think I may have made more progress in my life than I previously believed. I got up Thursday morning and decided that I was going to the grocery store in my glasses. I mainly kept my head down and try to avoid eye contact, but its still a big step.

This morning before my doc's appt, Mr. Clean offered to take us all to the bakery for breakfast. I thought about not going, but the promise of a hot, buttery scone won out over my embarrassment.

It is pretty funny. People who had never seen me in them were doing a double take. I could tell they wanted to ask about them, but I never said a word. I just kept talking like nothing was different.

I am very glad to be back in my contacts and my comfort zone, but I realized that wearing my glasses wasn't the end of the world. Of course, none of my "friends" saw me. You know how that would go... friend is code for someone who is comfortable enough with you to laugh and make fun of you in a moment of psuedo-crisis (such as having to wear your big thick glasses).

I guess I need a little ridicule so that I don't take this all too seriously. SO on that note..... at the request of OPIE OUTLAW.... I will post some glasses pics in a couple of days. I'll even go to my mom's and get the good stuff. You know, the middle school ones. glasses, braces, bad hair, and all.

If you are feeling like you need a good, hard belly laugh just come back in a few days.

Oh yeah, while I am embarrassing myself... why don't you all dig out one of your "awkward years" pics and post it as well. You know you've got them tucked away somewhere.


Pirate said...

What you don't get is now that you are on the grown up team the players from the other gender find something sexy about seeing someone with their glasses on.

Its like meeting a little more of you that you have kept hidden. Something to think about.

I've seen your picture already and glasses would have a hard time hiding that cute mug anyway.

Cheryl said...

I think Pirate's right. My girlfriends with glasses get hit on all the time!

thewriterslife said...

What I would like to know is how do you get contacts in your eyes without being a total baby and resort to glasses the rest of your life? Heh...a little personal ramification there. I wear glasses because I can't get those dang contacts in! GRRRR....

Mountaingirl said...

I started wearing contacts when I was in 9th grade. I was desparate to get them and when my mom finally let me I was determined to wear them. They hurt like crazy and I blinked constantly because it felt like something was in my eye all the time. (duh....I guess there was something...a contact.) But I didn't care I was going to wear them. They don't bother me much now. But there are still times that they hurt.
Pirate...I don't knoe about the other team finding me sexy. Mr. Clean told me the other day that he still loved me even though I had them on...... and then chuckled. He just can't resist picking when given the oppertunity.