Saturday, October 08, 2005

Thoughts about turning 30

Well, I am officially 30 now. I am not sure really what that means, if it means anything at all. I know that I grateful to be thru with my twenties, especially the early twenties.
My early twenties were not the greatest years of my life. By the end of my twenties things started looking up. And I ended up finishing it out with a bang. I married my wonderful husband (I'll just leave it at wonderful.. he reads the blog from time to time and I don't want him to get his ego over-inflated.) then 9 mos and 6 days later I gave birth to my first baby boy and then 2yrs later I gave birth to # 2.
So I figure my 30's are going to be my coasting years. Hopefully they will be filled with camping trips and finger painting and storytime and little league and bedtime stories. My kids will not have quiet reached their teen years and all that comes with it.
I am actually excited about starting a new decade. I have finished up with the 20's and now I have this clean slate where anything is possible. I have learned alot in my 20's too, so hopefully that will help my 30's be even better.
So here's to a new decade. Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!

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