Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just because you have kids doesn't mean you enjoy everyone else's

Have you ever noticed how when you have kids other people assume you must enjoy all kids. I don't know how many times I have been asked to babysit or work with the two year olds in the church nursery.

Well, I have a confession. Actually, I will qualify the statement first. I love my children very much and really enjoy being with them...but I don't generally like hanging out with other people's kids. I mean they are alright to be around as long as their parents are there. But I have no desire to take care of them.

I have noticed that my kids body fluids, ei.. snot, throw up, etc., don't bother me or gross me out at all. But when someone else's kid sneezes and has the 4 ft long snot streamers hanging down I can't get to the hand sanitizer fast enough.

When I do nursery duty at church I just want to run home and shower in scalding hot water. The thought of being spit up on by a random baby gives me the heebie geebies big time.

Maybe I am weird. I don't know but just because I stay at home and take care of my own kids does not mean I want to do the same with somebody else's

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