Sunday, September 04, 2005

10 yrs sure makes a huge difference

Wow! I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. But I have found that is how most good things in my life start out.
I am an almost 30 yr old stay at home mom. The 20 yr old me would fall over dead if she met the 30 yr old me. Its funny how you can change so much in 10 yrs.
The 20 yr old me was a redneck, risk- taker, rebel without a cause, always getting into trouble and speaking before she thought. The 30 yr old me is a kinder gentler person. I still have a horrible country accent but I think the redneck is gone. The risk taker has pretty much been snuffed out too... mostly by having kids. I used to ride motorcycles and now I probably wouldn't even ride in a convertible because I would constantly be thinking about what would happen if it rolled over. I think kids have made me just a touch nuerotic. Maybe it was there lurking silently all along. Who knows?
The 20 yr old me loved partying and being, in general, wild and crazy. Out all night dancing. The 30 yr old me can't even stay up passed 10 pm unless you can count nursing a baby in the wee hours. Speaking of nursing.... the 20 yr old me would absolutely have a heart attack over the whole nursing thing. At twenty I thought that nursing was weird and disgusting and abnormal.... I guess that kind of falls into the not thinking things thru category. I don't think back then I gave much thought to how people fed their babies for all the centuries before infamil was invented.
I ran into a high school aquaintaince a while back and we got to talking and hanging out. She hadn't talked to me since we graduated. We met up a few more times and then she said something to me that kind of sums this whole thing up. She said "I am surprised at how together you are about your life and just things in general and how good you are with your kids." I guess that is kind of a backhanded compliment but I knew how she meant it. She still had this idea that I was the 20 yr old me.
I can honestly say that I am very glad to be turning 30 this year and I would not want to go back and be 20 again for anything.
I've come a long way, baby!!!!!!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Well, looks like both me and the spammers found you on your first post! I loved the "mountaingirl" moniker from a comment you left on another blog, and came over for a looksee. I had a wild mid-20's to mid-30's also (I learned a little later than you, I guess), but love my slow-lane life now. Have fun blogging!

BTW- You may already know this, but if you turn on that stupid word recogition feature for the comments, it keeps the spammers out. At least until they figure out a way around it.