Have you ever noticed how when you have kids other people assume you must enjoy all kids. I don't know how many times I have been asked to babysit or work with the two year olds in the church nursery.
Well, I have a confession. Actually, I will qualify the statement first. I love my children very much and really enjoy being with them...but I don't generally like hanging out with other people's kids. I mean they are alright to be around as long as their parents are there. But I have no desire to take care of them.
I have noticed that my kids body fluids, ei.. snot, throw up, etc., don't bother me or gross me out at all. But when someone else's kid sneezes and has the 4 ft long snot streamers hanging down I can't get to the hand sanitizer fast enough.
When I do nursery duty at church I just want to run home and shower in scalding hot water. The thought of being spit up on by a random baby gives me the heebie geebies big time.
Maybe I am weird. I don't know but just because I stay at home and take care of my own kids does not mean I want to do the same with somebody else's
Thursday, September 08, 2005
God never gives you more than you can handle.
I have always heard the saying " God never gives you more than you can handle." I have decided after having kids that it must be true. And since its true, I have decided that God doesn't think I can handle very much.
I have friends who have babies that cry. And cry alot. But I have had two beautiful little boys, neither of which ever cry. I mean there have been times that I have wondered if they were okay. Shouldn't babies cry some? Mine very rarely ever do. But when they do I think 'man this is terrible. Who could deal with this all the time?' Obviously not me and God knows it.
I have also seen toddlers in stores lay down on the floor, flail and kick and scream bloody murder over a toy or a sucker. But my little boy will look at the toys and hop right back up in the buggy without a fuss or a toy and go on out of the store. I just look at him and wonder sometimes 'Is he normal? Whatever normal is. Don't you want to beg and plead for some cheap toy that you will have forgotten about before you even get home? Don't you want to see the pained look on my face while I run from the store praying that someone from church doesn't see this meltdown?' My brother was still laying down pitching temper tantrums in the sixth grade.
Please don't misunderstand this...I do not in any way think that I am some kind of super parent who knows magical secrets to childrearing. In fact, I am the opposite. Most of the time I feel hopelessly clueless about what to do. I have had no other experience with kids other than my own. My son's diaper was the first I've ever changed. My son was basically my teacher and my guinea pig, at times. I constantly wonder whether or not I am doing the right thing.
Also I decided not to have any epidural or pain meds when I gave birth to my second little boy. I practiced my breathing and meditating. And when time came my labor was over before it ever started. I had the fastest labor ever. I didn't really even get to put to use all that breathing I practiced. God must have known what a wimp I was and decided to spare me the pain of a long drawn out labor....( or maybe he just felt sorry for me because I pushed so long with the first one.)
All these things really just make me wonder if I should be offended in some way. "Hey God, I'm tough. I am not a wimp." Nah, nevermind... just kidding. God knows what He is doing. I am just so very grateful that for whatever reason He has blessed me, this imperfect person who fumbles awkwardly thru life just trying to do her best, with this wonderful family and life that I have.
I have friends who have babies that cry. And cry alot. But I have had two beautiful little boys, neither of which ever cry. I mean there have been times that I have wondered if they were okay. Shouldn't babies cry some? Mine very rarely ever do. But when they do I think 'man this is terrible. Who could deal with this all the time?' Obviously not me and God knows it.
I have also seen toddlers in stores lay down on the floor, flail and kick and scream bloody murder over a toy or a sucker. But my little boy will look at the toys and hop right back up in the buggy without a fuss or a toy and go on out of the store. I just look at him and wonder sometimes 'Is he normal? Whatever normal is. Don't you want to beg and plead for some cheap toy that you will have forgotten about before you even get home? Don't you want to see the pained look on my face while I run from the store praying that someone from church doesn't see this meltdown?' My brother was still laying down pitching temper tantrums in the sixth grade.
Please don't misunderstand this...I do not in any way think that I am some kind of super parent who knows magical secrets to childrearing. In fact, I am the opposite. Most of the time I feel hopelessly clueless about what to do. I have had no other experience with kids other than my own. My son's diaper was the first I've ever changed. My son was basically my teacher and my guinea pig, at times. I constantly wonder whether or not I am doing the right thing.
Also I decided not to have any epidural or pain meds when I gave birth to my second little boy. I practiced my breathing and meditating. And when time came my labor was over before it ever started. I had the fastest labor ever. I didn't really even get to put to use all that breathing I practiced. God must have known what a wimp I was and decided to spare me the pain of a long drawn out labor....( or maybe he just felt sorry for me because I pushed so long with the first one.)
All these things really just make me wonder if I should be offended in some way. "Hey God, I'm tough. I am not a wimp." Nah, nevermind... just kidding. God knows what He is doing. I am just so very grateful that for whatever reason He has blessed me, this imperfect person who fumbles awkwardly thru life just trying to do her best, with this wonderful family and life that I have.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
thoughts about the hurricane
There are just a few things that I need to get off my chest about the whole Hurricane Katrina situation.
First and foremost... I am so sick and tired of certain people turning everything that happens in the world into something racial. What happened to those poor folks in New Orleans had to do with them being plain ole poor not black. Because they were poor they had to depend on the government for assistance in evacuating. And depending on the government for anything is not a great idea. I don't think that there was any intentional delays in relief. I just think that there is some serious incompetence going on. And I think that it would have been just as bad if it had been a democrat in office. The government is just not known for handling anything quickly or effeciently.
Second.... The rapper that made the comments about Bush has me a little confused. Both of the pictures and captions he refered to were written by separate newspapers....not George Bush. I think that the media should be ashamed. I think they like to stir the pot, so to speak. So that they can get great headlines. And I think they like to make it look like everyone is racist. Well its just not so. They should be careful about using the word "looting" with any situation that happened after this hurricane. Looting is running down the street with tv's and car stereos, not taking bread and diapers from a flooded grocery store when your family is literally starving... no matter what color you are.
Maybe I am niave and sheltered but I think that the response nationwide shows that Americans care about other Americans and that race does not come into play. People of all colors have come out in droves to donate money, blood, and supplies. Lots of people of all races have donated their time and services to help those people and I think that is the real story.
I hope that everyone continues to pray for the survivors and to donate whatever they can to help them out.
First and foremost... I am so sick and tired of certain people turning everything that happens in the world into something racial. What happened to those poor folks in New Orleans had to do with them being plain ole poor not black. Because they were poor they had to depend on the government for assistance in evacuating. And depending on the government for anything is not a great idea. I don't think that there was any intentional delays in relief. I just think that there is some serious incompetence going on. And I think that it would have been just as bad if it had been a democrat in office. The government is just not known for handling anything quickly or effeciently.
Second.... The rapper that made the comments about Bush has me a little confused. Both of the pictures and captions he refered to were written by separate newspapers....not George Bush. I think that the media should be ashamed. I think they like to stir the pot, so to speak. So that they can get great headlines. And I think they like to make it look like everyone is racist. Well its just not so. They should be careful about using the word "looting" with any situation that happened after this hurricane. Looting is running down the street with tv's and car stereos, not taking bread and diapers from a flooded grocery store when your family is literally starving... no matter what color you are.
Maybe I am niave and sheltered but I think that the response nationwide shows that Americans care about other Americans and that race does not come into play. People of all colors have come out in droves to donate money, blood, and supplies. Lots of people of all races have donated their time and services to help those people and I think that is the real story.
I hope that everyone continues to pray for the survivors and to donate whatever they can to help them out.
Monday, September 05, 2005
In praise of the bald headed man
I first have to say that I am somewhat biased when it comes to this subject. My husband is a bald headed man. Having said that up front.... here goes....
I never really had any idea the things a bald headed man might have to deal with until I married my husband. In fact, I don't think I ever really gave being bald much thought until then.
Have you ever watched any of those sad little commercials where you see this poor bald man and the announcer guy comes on and says "Do you get passed up for promotions at work? Do you have a hard time finding and keeping a girlfriend? Well Its because you are bald!!!! Buy our amazing product to grow hair and everything in your life will turn around."
I feel bad. Because there are probably some poor little bald guys out there that buy into that crap. If those things are happening to you chances are you are probably terrible at your job and have no personality. Bald has nothing to do with it.
When I met my husband he was pretty much completely bald, so he went ahead and shaved his head like Mr Clean. I couldn't clean the bathroom without thinking about him.( by the way, shaving bald is a great idea. Because with the comb over the only person you are fooling into thinking you have hair is you.)
Having your head shaved also helps out with the ladies at church too. One day this older lady came down from the choir and told my husband that he looked like a little angel sitting out there in the audience. Well, knowing my husband as personally as I do, I am sure he is not an angel so I had to investigate. So the next week I went and stood in the choir to see if I could figure out what was going on. It didn't take long to see what was happening. My husband was setting right below one of the reccessed lights and the glare off his shiny head gave the appearance of a halo.
So to all you baldies.... buff your bald noggins til they shine and be proud . Those guys with hair ain't got nuthin' on you.
I never really had any idea the things a bald headed man might have to deal with until I married my husband. In fact, I don't think I ever really gave being bald much thought until then.
Have you ever watched any of those sad little commercials where you see this poor bald man and the announcer guy comes on and says "Do you get passed up for promotions at work? Do you have a hard time finding and keeping a girlfriend? Well Its because you are bald!!!! Buy our amazing product to grow hair and everything in your life will turn around."
I feel bad. Because there are probably some poor little bald guys out there that buy into that crap. If those things are happening to you chances are you are probably terrible at your job and have no personality. Bald has nothing to do with it.
When I met my husband he was pretty much completely bald, so he went ahead and shaved his head like Mr Clean. I couldn't clean the bathroom without thinking about him.( by the way, shaving bald is a great idea. Because with the comb over the only person you are fooling into thinking you have hair is you.)
Having your head shaved also helps out with the ladies at church too. One day this older lady came down from the choir and told my husband that he looked like a little angel sitting out there in the audience. Well, knowing my husband as personally as I do, I am sure he is not an angel so I had to investigate. So the next week I went and stood in the choir to see if I could figure out what was going on. It didn't take long to see what was happening. My husband was setting right below one of the reccessed lights and the glare off his shiny head gave the appearance of a halo.
So to all you baldies.... buff your bald noggins til they shine and be proud . Those guys with hair ain't got nuthin' on you.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
10 yrs sure makes a huge difference
Wow! I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. But I have found that is how most good things in my life start out.
I am an almost 30 yr old stay at home mom. The 20 yr old me would fall over dead if she met the 30 yr old me. Its funny how you can change so much in 10 yrs.
The 20 yr old me was a redneck, risk- taker, rebel without a cause, always getting into trouble and speaking before she thought. The 30 yr old me is a kinder gentler person. I still have a horrible country accent but I think the redneck is gone. The risk taker has pretty much been snuffed out too... mostly by having kids. I used to ride motorcycles and now I probably wouldn't even ride in a convertible because I would constantly be thinking about what would happen if it rolled over. I think kids have made me just a touch nuerotic. Maybe it was there lurking silently all along. Who knows?
The 20 yr old me loved partying and being, in general, wild and crazy. Out all night dancing. The 30 yr old me can't even stay up passed 10 pm unless you can count nursing a baby in the wee hours. Speaking of nursing.... the 20 yr old me would absolutely have a heart attack over the whole nursing thing. At twenty I thought that nursing was weird and disgusting and abnormal.... I guess that kind of falls into the not thinking things thru category. I don't think back then I gave much thought to how people fed their babies for all the centuries before infamil was invented.
I ran into a high school aquaintaince a while back and we got to talking and hanging out. She hadn't talked to me since we graduated. We met up a few more times and then she said something to me that kind of sums this whole thing up. She said "I am surprised at how together you are about your life and just things in general and how good you are with your kids." I guess that is kind of a backhanded compliment but I knew how she meant it. She still had this idea that I was the 20 yr old me.
I can honestly say that I am very glad to be turning 30 this year and I would not want to go back and be 20 again for anything.
I've come a long way, baby!!!!!!
I am an almost 30 yr old stay at home mom. The 20 yr old me would fall over dead if she met the 30 yr old me. Its funny how you can change so much in 10 yrs.
The 20 yr old me was a redneck, risk- taker, rebel without a cause, always getting into trouble and speaking before she thought. The 30 yr old me is a kinder gentler person. I still have a horrible country accent but I think the redneck is gone. The risk taker has pretty much been snuffed out too... mostly by having kids. I used to ride motorcycles and now I probably wouldn't even ride in a convertible because I would constantly be thinking about what would happen if it rolled over. I think kids have made me just a touch nuerotic. Maybe it was there lurking silently all along. Who knows?
The 20 yr old me loved partying and being, in general, wild and crazy. Out all night dancing. The 30 yr old me can't even stay up passed 10 pm unless you can count nursing a baby in the wee hours. Speaking of nursing.... the 20 yr old me would absolutely have a heart attack over the whole nursing thing. At twenty I thought that nursing was weird and disgusting and abnormal.... I guess that kind of falls into the not thinking things thru category. I don't think back then I gave much thought to how people fed their babies for all the centuries before infamil was invented.
I ran into a high school aquaintaince a while back and we got to talking and hanging out. She hadn't talked to me since we graduated. We met up a few more times and then she said something to me that kind of sums this whole thing up. She said "I am surprised at how together you are about your life and just things in general and how good you are with your kids." I guess that is kind of a backhanded compliment but I knew how she meant it. She still had this idea that I was the 20 yr old me.
I can honestly say that I am very glad to be turning 30 this year and I would not want to go back and be 20 again for anything.
I've come a long way, baby!!!!!!
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