Friday, February 08, 2008

a few political thoughts

Well, Super Tuesday is in the rear view mirror. Its looking like the Republican party is swinging out towards left field.... I guess whether that is a bad thing depends on who you are.

Mitt Romney gave his farewell speech.. probably one of the best speeches he has given thus far.. maybe he should have been writing his own speeches all along. Now we are down to McCain and Huckabee... two very liberal republicans. I have heard many people say that they would NEVER vote for McCain, but I think you need to be careful with your nevers.

I am still sort of in shock that the republican party for the first time... maybe ever.. doesn't have a true conservative candidate. I became elligible to vote in 1993 and I have voted in every election since. Most of the time I have a small feeling deep inside that I am choosing the lesser of two evils, but each year that feeling grows greater and greater.

It will be interesting to see how the rep party as a whole reacts to the recent turn of events and even more interesting to see who McCain will pick for VP. Romney was super complementary to him when introducing him after he stepped out... maybe he was trying to brown nose to get that vp spot. But I find it very unlikely that McCain would go for a vp that is as conservative as Romney... allthough he would probably make a great one.

The democrats haven't been quite as interesting. Hillary has went from ripping Obama's head off to basically engaging in a lovefest with him at times. Who knows? I like Obama. Even though I don't believe in a thing he is pushing for. He is inspiring and engaging. The dreamer side of me buys it all hook, line, and sinker. I am ready for a new America when he thru talking, but then a few seconds later the true pragmatist comes back out and that warm fuzzy feeling is gone. His competitor, Mrs. Clinton, absolutely grates me to the core. She is like fingernails down a chalkboard.

Really none of the parties represent me... maybe I am a closet independent. I believe that our government should be fiscally responsible. We should balance the books each year. We should only spend what we have and we shouldn't spend anything until we pay off our gigantic debt. We should be the generation that sucks it up and makes it right for future generations.... not a very popular mindset...

I believe in healthcare for everyone... but not provided by our government. I believe that our government has way too much power and they have abused it. I don't know about you, but I have been to government offices before.. take for instances the DMV... I do not want the same people running the DMV in charge of my healthcare. no way.

Enough... I could go on for days and days about pork spending and all of the other abuses of the power that they have been given, but it just raises my bp to no avail.... so I won't.

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